6 Skills To Become Front-End Developer

6 Skills To Become Front-End Developer


3 min read

front-end Development

What is Front-End Development?

The front end of a website is the part that users interact with. Everything that you see when you're navigating around the Internet, from fonts and colors to menus and sliders, is a front-end. This all combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript being controlled by your computer's browser.

Who is a front-end Dev?

"A front-end dev is responsible for the interior design of a house that's been built by a back-end dev."

front-end Dev

So Lets deep dive into skills require to become front-end Developer:


HTML is a markup language mainly used for website creation. These websites can then be viewed by anyone else connected to the Internet. It is relatively easy to learn, with the basics being accessible to most people in one sitting; and quite powerful in what it allows you to create. The best resource to learn is [W3School] (w3schools.com/html/default.asp) the digital university for web development.

2. CSS

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets with an emphasis placed on "Style." While HTML is used to structure a web document , CSS comes through and specifies your document's style - page layouts, colors, and fonts are all determined with CSS. Think of HTML as the foundation (every house has one), and CSS as the aesthetic choices (there's a big difference between a historic mansion and a modern villas).

Html css

3. JavaScript

JavaScript is the backbone of web development. Once you've created your structural layer(HTML) and your presentation layer(CSS) then JavaScript makes your site dynamic. Dynamic website content,referrers to anything that moves, refreshes, or anything changes on your screen without requiring you to manually reload a web page. Features like:

  • Animation
  • Slideshows
  • Autocomplete text feature
  • Interactive forms


4. Responsive Design

Responsive Web design is the approach that suggests that design and development should respond to the user's behavior and environment based on screen size, platform and orientation. Responsive web design (RWD) is an approach to web design that makes web pages render well on a variety of devices and window or screen sizes.


5. Performance Optimization

Web performance refers to the speed in which web pages are downloaded and displayed on the user's web browser. Web performance optimization (WPO) is the field of knowledge about increasing web performance.

Faster website download speeds have been shown to increase visitor retention, loyalty and user satisfaction, especially for users with slow internet connections and those on mobile devices. Web performance also leads to less data travelling across the web, which in turn lowers a website's power consumption and environmental impact. Some aspects which can affect the speed of page load include browser/server cache, image optimization, and encryption (for example SSL), which can affect the time it takes for pages to render.


6. Testing

Every web application need to be tested first before deployment other wise it creates bad impact on user. Testing is the most underrated thing that most of developers skipped.

The testing is important since it discovers defects/bugs before the delivery to the client, which guarantees the quality of the Website . It makes the site more reliable and easy to use. Thoroughly tested site ensures reliable and high-performance site operation.



So if you wanna be a front-end developer start now to learn this 6 skills.

Start now - Perfect later "If you wait until everything is perfect you'll be waiting for the rest of your life".

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